Wind energy
Wind power is a renewable energy source.
Wind turbines sure are big!
Wind turbines used for large-scale wind farms come in various sizes, but are usually approximately 13 feet wide at the base, and between 230 and 265 feet tall at the hub. With one of the blades in the upright position, the total height is approximately 406 feet.
To make enough electricity to serve lots of people, utility companies build wind farms with a large number of wind turbines.
Wind farms are built in flat, open areas where the wind blows at least 14 miles per hour.
How many wind turbines make a wind farm?
Wind farms can have as few as five wind turbines or as many as 150. One of the largest wind farms in the U.S. is in Altamont Pass, California. It has more than 4,800 wind turbines.
Alliant Energy owns and operates a number of wind farms in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. In addition to the wind farms owned by Alliant Energy, we also purchase energy from other wind farms throughout our service area.
How a wind turbine works
When the wind turns the blades of a windmill, it spins a turbine inside a small generator to produce electricity.
The electricity is sent through transmission and distribution lines to a substation, then on to homes, businesses and schools.
Learn more about electricity's journey to your home.